How would I show in a story that a character was writing something?


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Like there's a person in short story and she's writing something in a journal she has. How would I show to the reader that she's doing this? Also when you are done writing it how do you state she wrote it? For example, in dialogue you would put,

"I'm super cool," said Bob

So if someone is writing would I put

"(writing goes here)" wrote Bob

Haha I really hope you guys get what I'm saying.
Bob was hovering over his journal as if to protect his inner most thought from view. The pen moving to form the words that were almost too embarrassing to share with a real person - but his journal didn't seem to mind the pen forming "I am soooo cool".
not sure what the standard actually is but i find when i read writing and thoughts are in italics only
Change the font. A lot of authors do that, you don't even have to put
Wrote bob.
Changing the font allows us to know that Bob is writing and not you.
But mention before hand how Bob grabs out his notebook
or when he opens up Word.
Good luck!