How to win over girlfriends very old fashion Asian parents?


May 14, 2008
I started dating this girl in my grade. We both really like each. the problem is she is 100% Filipino and im white. her family is very very conservative and don't want her dating period. not to mention someone who isn't Asian. Well we started going out and didn't tell them. Finally we decide to tell them and they weren't having any of it at all.
the mom doesn't like me because she thinks im not good enough for her daughter.*shes going into medical school to be a doctor*im going into the military then college*
We don't want to break up but without the support of her parents it would be impossible because were both still in high school and getting together is difficult.
Any ideas on what to do?
ask her parents what they think of you (in private mainly 1on1 talk)
if they give a negative response stay silent for 20 seconds, and respond with your definition of love, and walk away
haha my parents are kinda like that. Anyways just try to come over her house more,, or have your parents meet and show them your good qualities, they might not still like you but they'd acknowledge you.