How to transport my Aquarium?


New member
Aug 31, 2008
Hi my name is Sid... i am now moving from Mumbai to Bangalore and i Would like to take my Aquarium also. How to go about it without losing my fishes during the travel and not damaging my tank?
well im not familiar of how long the travel is.. by car,train,plane?.. but if your traveling by car or plane you could put it in a box and wrap it up with the sealing paper (those thick plastics which is fairly unpenetrateable) mostly provided in airports which you have to pay some money or you can do it yourself using plastic and make sure its tight (i dont know if its the big rectengular tank or the round fishbowl but either way same method) for the fish you can simply put it in a plastic bag and tie it around (make sure its clean and put the water from the tank because its suitable for them).. in the journey make sure you look at it for leaks and try to bring extra plastic and water just in case.. best of luck!