how to stop a whining puppy!?


New member
Sep 27, 2011
My husband and I just got a german shep/husky/yellow lab mix puppy two days ago. she is 9 weeks old and we have decided to crate train her. all she has done the past two nights is whine and cry in the crate, even after being taken outside to go potty. my husband works third shift so i am alone at night and could use some tips on how to get her to stop crying. we live in an apartment building and i'm sure the neighbors can hear her crying. so, help?
Happened to me too. What I did was put down a pillow next to the crate and lye down next to my dog while he was in the crate. It made him feel safe, and comfortable. They will start to relax and understand that the crate is on okay environment. After you feel your dog is relaxed you can go to sleep yourself. If the dog continues to whine you may have to keep repeating this. By doing so, your dog will understand that your not leaving him/her and you are close by.
Good Luck with your new puppy !
She might feel left out or abandoned if shes put in a crate all night. Might not be the best thing for her if that's the case.
poor not the puppy, I have had the same problems with each one of my dogs. give them a favorite small toy or wrap a wind up clock in a blanket it makes them think it's moms heart. a warm water bottle. Also only use your crate at set times at first usually nighttime and then a couple of hours in the late afternoon or evening after things settle down.
ohhhh yes and it begins my pitbull puppy was just like this at 8 weeks. Puppies cry there first nights in there new home as a way to call other dogs because it feel lonely and misses there pack there litter mates. You have to treat it nice and make it see that its okay you are the leader and with you by her side nothing can happen. Usually puppies cry there butts off for around 1-2 weeks but my pup only cried for 4 days no matter what do not and i mean DO NOT! take her to your room or bring attention when she is crying or she is going to have you trained and is going to cry 24/7 for your attention Hope this helped and GOODLUCK!! be strong let her cry but make sure she is not crying for food or water or any needs.
She is a puppy! They need attention and love and by putting her in a crate it probably makes her feel neglected.
put a blanket over the crate. if that doesn't help, but a shirt that you wore that day so it can smell the scent of that shirt and it will know that your sill there(whenever you put a blanket over it), but your actually somewhere else. if that doesn't work, then i probably give it some benadryl or put it in a other room.
Just give it lots of attention play with her and pet it everything you can! =) hope this helped!
For me I think you should giver her like a toy that she could play with to keep her busy until she falls asleep. Like one of those Dog Kong toys, You put food in it and it usually keeps dogs busy for hours. And she would most likely fall asleep before she gets all of the food out of the toy. Trust me I have 3 Dogs. But my German Shepherd is 3 months, the Australian Shepherd is 6 months. So I've been through this and I gave them that Dog Kong toy. It kept them busy for the night and they fell asleep. So I hope it works for you Good Luck!