How to promote your profile on twitter?


New member
Nov 16, 2011
Hey, just looking for a little tips to get twitter followers. NOT ASKING YOU TO FOLLOW.
I know most guides to twitter say "promote your profile by emailing, face booking, blogging your twitter URL", but I don't have a blog, and I'd prefer not to Facebook or Email people about it. I don't want to join that group of people who do things like "follow me and i'll follow you!" I want a way for people who'd be interested in my tweets to get to see my tweets. It's interesting material i assure you! Not the same old same old "I ate sushi" and all that. But how do I get people to follow me?
FYI: Started yesterday, so far have 8 followers. I have a picture for my Twitter profile and have already been tweeting regularly, mentioning celebrities and replying and such.