how to make a site like internet site?

Hi here i list out the common step to be followed to create your own website .They are
1.first choose domain name related to content of your website .
2.Check the availability of the domain .
3.If its available to register then register through online vendors.
4.Then start designing your web site .If you have any knowledge in website design then you can easily create by yourself .If not then use online service provider who help you to design website for you based on your needs.
5.Finally host your web site online .Only by hosting your website through provider you can make it visible to public in World wide web.
Now if you want to build a website then visit here they are registering domain at affordable cost along with free hosting ,web site builder service using which you can easily build and host your website online .The web site builder comprises of predefined templates you just choose one among them and add your details finally your dream site comes to live ..They also render good customer service and support ....