How to introduce an electric fence?


Jun 5, 2008
I have a Cane Corso Mastiff, about 7 months old. We live in the country and have a large yard and property for him to play in and he loves being outside, but has started to bark at our only neighbor when he goes out on his porch. Our neighbor is a little scared of him, due to his size and the general intimidating look of him. I want the neighbor to feel comfortable and I'm afraid one day Titan will have the courage to pass onto his property which could mean him being taken away. Anyway, my fiance and I bought an electric fence for him, since a chain or cable seemed like less freedom, and we couldn't afford to fence the yard. Its a collar with a radius of up to 90 feet. Were not sure how to introduce him to it so we haven't yet. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! :) also I'm worried about him wanting to go beyond the boundary since he usually does his buisness in the woods. But the 90 feet wont reach from the porch/doghouse area to the woods. I wasn't sure if he will have a hard time adjusting or if he'd just go ahead and do the necessaries in the area. I plan on going on leashed walks through the woods where he used to walk. Another question is the neighbors dog (Labrador) is unfenced and roams through our yard. I don't want her to tease him or coax him to the point of being shocked by the fence. He's one of those neighbors that is hard to reason with so any suggestions about that would be appreciated too!