How to have an out-of-body experience

Afraid of the unknown are we?

You know, sailors used to not go very far because they thought the world was flat...
Astral projection, is a dangerous game to play. How long will people try to create horrors in their life and say they are not horrors? Somethings though are not real whether you want them to be, or not. Lets hope their true/real intentions are good, not everything in life is like poking a monkey through a cage.

I believe there is Good and evil. You shouldn't go places that are not safe.
The world is round and people also knew that before, Columbus discovered America! But, you don't learn that in History, or World Geography in school.
You shouldn't believe prophets either. I don't even trust my psychiatrist, if he comes between me and whats right...

Do the research, don't believe rumors or media. When it comes to History, ask the people who were there. I don't trust people who write books about books,
or songs about's not that I'm saying their wrong, it's just I believe it's better to go to the source, and not the messenger. I don't trust prophets man, and I would try astral projection either!

Dreams are just visions of what we want to see. That can get bad, if you mess with drugs, or spiritualism. Some people will tell you, there is no difference between bad and good, it's all just a frame of mind, but thats only true to a certain extent.

It's better, in my opinion, when I ask people person to person, face to face, or read eye-wittness accounts, than to try and figure out, how far I can go to see a rumor. Thats the biggest problem with the digital relm. Whats gonna happen next, whats gonna happen if I do this? Will the world blow up, if we drop nuclear bombs on it?

Sometimes I just shut the stupid thing off and try to breathe.

Somedays people watch the clouds roll by. I read the good book and pray.

Search for something bigger, than what power can achieve, thats what I would say about all this spiritual relm far will people go?
When is enough enough, before everyone is getting sent to prison and
psyche wards? Can we cure aids and cause cancer at the same time?

Boy, I just can't wait till we don't even have to watch TV, we can just sit there and turn a knob on our own head, as the channels switch?!
I don't know, but Goo goo dolls song flat top was making sense to me.

What are you gonna do when something really screwed up happens?
Any spirit that is vibrating very slowly is indeed "evil" be the definition. However, the only spirits you will incounter are the ones on the same sphere as you. Distressed or "evil" spirits are on waaay lower spheres than allmost any human is. You have nothing to worry about! If you see an evil spirit, than that must mean that is on the same level as you!

A spirit can't exist where you are unless they are as good as you. They have to be in your mood, in your frame of experience. They are spending all their time being evil, so they are where evil people are. You can't encounter one unless you are evil.

Nothing can touch you if you're where love is...
You have nothing to worry about! The evil spirits are just people who haven't experienced out of body yet....

Sure, does that come with 'horns' mr spirit prophet?
Comeon now and be realistic. Not everyone who thinks
one way, is one way. We proved that a long time ago.

There are only two sprits in this world.

Spirit of God, and spirit of the devil.

That is why there are two sides to every conscience.
Thats right, 1 + 1 = 2

Yes, I agree, people feel common spirits. Finding others with a common spirit, can sometimes be good, and sometimes not . And can sometimes not be easy, but it's no different now than it used to be, spiritually...

Unfortunately is the irrational living habits of modern society, that are
really screwed up. Gee I must be perfect to have thought that one up!

You been to a land fill lately, or do you trust Ben and Tellers bullhockey? How about a dip in most of the lakes, rivers and streams near the city? Do you live in the city, or in the country? Have you ever seen an oil spill. Or how about Power supply. You know, those little plugs in the wall? Do you honestly know how any of that is possible? Did you know that harnessing electricity, to power thousands, and ,millions of things, can cause storms to erupt? Oh, I'm sorry, we don't talk about that....we have freagin satelite weather machines. Well, I don't trust em. Did you know most people hate me because I'm german?

I'm not here to preach about the government, I leave the politics for politicians. knowing a good deal of words and having a 10th grade
education doesn't make someone a ^%$@#@! rocket scientist.

Do you think I need pills? Do you think I'm a threat to the weather man?
Look man, I'm a drug rehabilitator, try not to get on my bad side.
"The evil spirits are just people who haven't experienced out of body yet...." What? Thats not true at all.

"There are only two sprits in this world. Spirit of God, and spirit of the devil. "
I'm sorry?

"That is why there are two sides to every conscience."

Please explain that further,

"Unfortunately is the irrational living habits of modern society, that are
really screwed up."

-This is due to fear.

"You been to a land fill lately" Yes. "or do you trust Ben and Tellers bullhockey?" Who? "How about a dip in most of the lakes, rivers and streams near the city?" Im guilty, ive never learned to swim. "Do you live in the city, or in the country?" Have lived in both. "Have you ever seen an oil spill." Yes. "Or how about Power supply." Yes. "You know, those little plugs in the wall? Do you honestly know how any of that is possible?" Yes. "Did you know that harnessing electricity, to power thousands, and ,millions of things, can cause storms to erupt?" I've heard it mentioned "Oh, I'm sorry, we don't talk about that....we have freagin satelite weather machines. Well, I don't trust em. Did you know most people hate me because I'm german?" No.

Ok, now, could you tell what any of the above mentioned questions has to do with astralprojection?

"I'm not here to preach about the government, I leave the politics for politicians. knowing a good deal of words and having a 10th grade
education doesn't make someone a ^%$@#@! rocket scientist."
Your Point is?

"Do you think I need pills?" No. "Do you think I'm a threat to the weather man?" No.

"Look man, I'm a drug rehabilitator, try not to get on my bad side." Umm, ok buddy.

What does that have to do with astralprojection?

So, what are you trying to tell me here. Out of all of that, I understand that you believe in Good and Evil. One or the other.

Have you ever had an out of body experience? A true one, not a lucid dream. Have you comminacated with a spirit not connected with a physical medium?

You should be more openminded.
I've had some weird dreams in the past dude, but now I kind of
like being grounded. Everyone I've ever met has shown me that.
There is the earth and the sky, is junk.

2 sides to every conscience And you know what I mean, don't play stupid.

I just have anger issues, the local law wants me to go to rehab to help
clean up the streets, but the people still out there doing it, ain't gonna change. Some of them do, and some of them don't, but no one can force um.
And the media don't change, tomorrow they'll be singing about how I need to grow up and go to the psyche ward, but the doctor asks me which pills I want, and go figure, I'm guinee pig man. I found out it's all a big hoax to begin with. I asked the doctor, and he told me.

I think this is all some kind of sick set up personally, but they haven't mentioned it, until people started asking questions on media devices.
They fired them, or something, cause now the last few years, it's been
nothing but subliminalally screwed up bull hockey.

The only difference is, I'm standing up this time.

Craps been goin on for most of my life, and I've met others too..
Their gonna make me look like the only one who feels locked up.
They need to start asigning bathroom graphiti duty.

I seen a dude walking around, all busted up one day, come to find
out, he's another one of those ones. Go figure, he must be rich, but
there's probobly a @#%$@$#!! subliminal innuendo on a sitcom
somewhere. Man, it eats me up,.........
Yes, approach things with logical skeptisism. But do so open-mindly everyone. Everyone here can think what they wish about astralprojection. But how many people here acctually practice it. Please, lets keep this thread positive, and encouraging.

I can honestly tell you that OBE's are not dreams. They ARE real.
i am a christian, but i also think i had an obe once when i was a kid... i had this cool shiny silver cord attached to my body as i looked back at it. then the cord tightened and it pulled me back into my body. i was really weirded out, and my parents thought it was a bad dream... but i always thought it was something more. can anyone explaint to me what it might have been?
I have an out of body experience all the time. Its called drinking.

If you want an even quicker, cheaper way to have one, they call it gunja (supprised Scarlet hasnt already advised this)
Haha, I used to drink and smoke pot, not anymore.
No narcotic could ever come close to making you feel the incedeble love of the astralplane.

I personally think drugs, are for people that are lazy. To lazy to induce their own altered states.
thanks Prophet! i had no idea that my experience was even close to the real thing. this blows my mind. but what do you think could have triggered an obe in a 9 year old kid? do you know if this is a common event?
well, you see, our consciousness leaves our body all the time!

you see, sleep is for the body, our consciousness doesnt need it, so it goes for a walk

It goes to wonderful places.

As for what triggered it? I could have been sooooo many things only you could know. I suggest you read the book man.
I have had some experiences with this, but I don't know if it was all in my head or not. For me, I could get my astral body to float up except for my head. It was like everything was free and floating up but my astral head was glued to my real one. And I started to hear a really weird and loud buzzing sound. I really freaked out one of the times because I couldn't get back to normal and I was paralyzed. I am wondering if it was just my mind playing a trick on me though. If all of your experiences are based on signals in your brain, couldn't this all just be a trick that your mind plays on you?
hmmm I wonder....okay, I don't know much about The Astral Planes. But I do know that there are evil spirits, and I believe the bible even when it says that the Angel Lucifer was kicked out of heaven to earth along with a 3rd of the angels. Ofcourse these angles aren't in physcal form, but spirt form for if they where in physical form then we would see them with physical eyes as they are. Therefore they are on earth in a spirtial dimention. How do you know that these Astral Planes arent their dwelling place, and that by tapering with this, you are puting your self in harms way. And Speaking of how good it feels to be in the "Astral Planes" Maybe satain wants it to feel good and does everything to make your stay there comfortable and so amazing so that you will keep going back and so that you will try to get other people to go so that he can have every one in his territoral grasp. Hmmm, just a thought. What do you think about the scenrio. I know it may come off as ingorance on my part being that I know nothing of the astral planes at all, but it is something to think about, and a good question to ask for someone who doesn't know anything about it. Any responses
Yeah! That everyone gets that buzzing sound, and yes, often times people have trouble escaping their physical bodies. Sometimes only random parts will still be connected, you just need to experiment with ways to free yourself.

And, as for OBEs being a mind trick. They're not. There documented and proven to be factual.
It is very healthy to be skeptical!

Please by all means, don't appoligize for stateing your opinion.

I believe the whole notion of "god' and "satan" to be entities is wrong. I believe god is all, and we are all part of god. To be in "heaven" is to vibrate at the same level as the one source. To become "love". As for Hell, I beleive that our thoughts and itentions reflect where we are in the astralplane. If someone is "evil" than they dont "go" to hell, they are allready in it. Allong with similar spirits of an evil nature. But, I also believe that spirits manifest themself as the physical bodies that we are so used to, to better themselfs spirtually. They come (we come) to earth with a misssion, and aopn comleteing it, and living a heathly life, their vibrational level increases. Making them closer to love.
hmph, seems you have not read MY previous posts , i have stated the dangers of doing this, risk if you want to, but i suggest to others not to do the same

EDIT: hey wayofthedragon, seems likes its me and you till the end