how to give a proper holiday greeting to an old close friend?


Jun 5, 2008
I havent talked to an old friend in a while, we used to be best friends but the years passed and things changed. we dont hang out anymore, but thats ok, i still check in to see how her life is from time to time... so Im just hoping with the holidays, it would be fitting to give her a greeting. just to let her know i still care about her life and well being.

but whats a way to do this where it doesnt look like im trying to be her friend again, needy, or desparate. cause i dont want her to feel sorry or bad, especially since i think she knows i check in more than she does, ( and things like remebering her bdays even though she doesnt remeber mine) i want to say something to make her think fondly.... and think im doing good as well, but like i said without looking like annoying....

any ideas of how to word it would be great, i just want to be a bit carefull...
thanks guys!