How to get my friend to introduce me to his friends?


May 18, 2008
I have recently been through a rough time in my life, my sister died a few months ago, and I fell out with ALL of my friends as a result of this. I have tried numerous times to re-connect with them, but they just shoot me down each time. I'm 16, and as you can imagine, making new friends, who could potentially become great friends at this age, is extremely hard.
I still have one friend, who stuck by me and helped me through that time in my life, and for the i'm extremely grateful, but he is always talking about HIS life now, and how his life is so wonderful, and how he has lots of friends. He is very social, and I am he complete opposite, hence why it would be so hard for me to make new friends.

I would like him to maybe bring me to one of his house parties that he has with all of his friends, and maybe introduce me to some of them, as it would make it easier for me to make more friends. However, I wouldn't dare ask him to invite me along to a party of his, and expect him to introduce me to his friends... It would just seem a little rude and its not a question I'm comfortable asking.

How can I maybe hint to him, that I would like to go to one of his parties, or at least do something with his other friends outside of school, as we very rarely see each other outside school.

Thank you so much for any help that anyone can offer, and I appreciate the help greatly if you took the time to read this long question, and took the time to answer!
