How to get adequate nutrition when you barely eat?i?


Jul 11, 2008
In September I started taking adderall because of my chronic fatigue and add (which I didn't know I had until I started taking this drug). Long story short, this has been a miracle drug for me. I know that it is very easy to become addicted to it so I never take more than I'm supposed to, but that's really not why I am here. When I first started taking it I was having severe insomnia, my appetite was non existent, I'd have a bad "crash" when the drug wore off, I would become agitated very easily, and I'd get manic. Within a few weeks my body built up a tolerance to the stimulant effect, I no longer have any of those symptoms except one: my appetite. It seems that even the days I dont take adderall my appetite doesn't seem to be there anymore. i have lost quite a bit of weight, and I have always been thin so weight was never something I was looking to lose. I take vitamins, but I know that your body needs protein, carbs, etc to live, so I drink carnation instant breakfasts and meal nutrition bars as often as I can, but is there anything else out there that helps get the things into your system that you need if you barely eat?? And also something that helps you keep your weight up? No im not going off the drug, my performance at school and work has become so much better and honestly i feel great on it. Just looking for nutrition advice that's it. Thanks
It would really do you good to write up a food journal taking into account nutritional facts and what you should be taking each day. Figure out what you will eat before your day starts and make sure you stick to it. You could consult a nutritionist when making it, or even copy existent diaries. You can remind yourself that you will have to eat everything in the journal otherwise you will get sick, and you know that. Give it a try and see if it motivates you?