How to get a photo with a celebrity ?


New member
Sep 29, 2011
So a celebrity is by my house filming something . And this is just so rare ! Im really obsessed with him and I REALLY want to met him . Except they wont let me ?? Any ideas what I can do .? This is the only chance i got !
Don't look like an obsessed maniac! Let them come to you. I went to a record store in Hollywood and Miranda Cosgrove was there. Our eyes met, I just smiled, then went about my business. Then she came over and talked to me since we had the same Green Day album in our basket. Haha.
I have been working in the movie "I, Alex Cross" as an extra and there has been many extra's and fans that came up to Tyler Perry, Ed Burns, Matthew Fox and Jean Reno and they got in serious trouble. You are not allowed to ask for a picture or an autograph while working because this is like serious work and if you asked for a picture he would have to take pictures with many others. You can try looking to see at what celebrity this hotel is staying at. Celebrities usually stay at very popular and nice hotels especially if that hotel is close to where they are filming. You can wait in the lobby to see if you see that celebrity or try going to popular restaurants. If that celebrity is at a hotel or a restaurant I am pretty sure there would be fans waiting for them outside. If you want to wait until they are done filming to see if you can get a picture with them you can wait. There are usually tons of fans behind the gates and when that certain celebrity is on break they will go up to the fans and talk to them but not many do that. Actors and actresses usually work for about 13 to 16 hours a day if you show up very early you might spot him and scream his name if not try looking for popular hotels or popular restaurants around your area. Good luck.