How to deal with family that gossips and spreads rumors about you?


New member
Jun 12, 2008
My dad's family loves to talk and spread rumors about me. I live in another state and haven't talked to them in years. However my mother hears things now and then and my dad tells her things he's heard. What should I do ignore all this false information? It makes me mad enough to confront them.
I have been going through the same situation for years with my family. I confront them every time they start sh*t to stop it from the beginning, but that only makes them talk about how rude I was to them. To me, I feel good enough just knowing I at least tried to get my point out there and they heard me whether they liked it or not. You can't expect to change people because that can't happen. Just ignore them and don't let it bother you, gossipers aren't worth any time to debate with.
My family does that within our own immediate family. I just ignore it and know I have no control of it. It took me a while and a lot of heartache, but I just separate myself.