How to convince my parents into letting me get a BlackBerry Curve?? 12 years...

No one needs to be mean to this girl especially about her religion. It's just racist and stupid so fuck off you skitch. Anyway, the girl that asked the question, I'm in the exact same position as you. I'm 12 too and I want a Blackberry so I'd say that everyone has one and beg and work for them or work and try to get the money. I'll try that too but my parents probably won't let me. Good luck and wish me luck too. And to all those older people, we're not too young to have a good phone so fuck off yourself.
You know what? You're just fucking spoiled bitches who don't deserve anything but a kick in the ass. You are some spoiled, stupid Jew who doesn't know anything about dimes and nickels, yet you are probably on the street collecting them. You certaintly don't need one, nor do you deserve one. If you were my daughter I would have kicked your ass on the curb a hell of a long time ago. Espicially judging by the fact that you are a stupid fuck who can't spring together a sentence long enough to express her stupid, bitchy thoughts which mean less to me than a pile of shit.

Fucking skank.
Well, that wasn't very nice.

P.S: I really want a BlackBerry Curve 9320 aswell!!
My daughter was 16 before she got a regular cell phone. You don't need a blackberry curve, you really don't need anything at all unless you are only using it for an emergency.

I know you won't listen to me now but write this down for future reference. You are a child. Enjoy this time of being a child. One day you will pray to return to this time of no responsibility and being taken care of by your parents.

Also, you are 12 years old and you need to respect your parents. No means no. End of discussion. I doubt you like my answer but its really something that you need to think about. You need to listen to your mother and stop trying to figure out ways to manipulate her and go behind her back. Your mom does not deserve that!
You're a bitch. You don't know what kids like. Fuck off. Kids are being brought up learning to use technology. Just because you're a hobo and you can't afford a decent phone like a BlackBerry, it doesn't mean that other people can't. Get lost. Your opinions are not wanted.
My daughter was 16 before she got a regular cell phone. You don't need a blackberry curve, you really don't need anything at all unless you are only using it for an emergency.

I know you won't listen to me now but write this down for future reference. You are a child. Enjoy this time of being a child. One day you will pray to return to this time of no responsibility and being taken care of by your parents.

Also, you are 12 years old and you need to respect your parents. No means no. End of discussion. I doubt you like my answer but its really something that you need to think about. You need to listen to your mother and stop trying to figure out ways to manipulate her and go behind her back. Your mom does not deserve that!