How to approach hot girl?

lol dude your a sophomore and shes a freshmen. all you have to do is tell her you like girls and she will suck your dick on the spot.

not really but younger girls will do anything for older guys, use it to your advantage.
Most of the time it goes like this:
"Excuse me is this the line?"
"Yeah, this place seems packed tonight"
"Yeah i guess it is.. hey what are you drinkin'?"
"-insert gay drink name here-"
"Cool, well *timed perfectly to confront the bartender* Can i get an MGD and this lovely lady a(n) -insert gay drink name here-"
-further talking-

If the boyfriend walks up, back the fuck out quick.

Although you do have to be in a bustling club, and not sound or act like a complete fucking assbag. So i guess this is out of the question for most ST'ers.
I think a club might be a little hard to meet her at... considering they are freshman and sophomore.
bustling club, that sells MGD? for 15 year olds?

where is that? some place in candy land?

btw, i liked your edit
Just saying. :)

I wanna go to candy land.

And i can't even remember what my edit was. :-/

Edit: Nevermind. Yes i do. Lol?
lol, well I said I liked your edit, due to the fact, i thought you were just implying that the bar idea wouldn't work for st'ers because they all act like fucking assbags.

but then i realized you meant it (or at least i think you did) also for the fact that just about half of st is underage.

Candy land would be nice, as would candy mountain. :tup:
How dare you make a thread regarding an allegedly hot girl without even providing pictures so ST can scrutinize your taste?
first thing, flirt with her with your facial expressions. give her the "hey whats up we should fuck" look when you see her and always acknowledge her like this when you see her.

then start talking to her when you get the chance
if you already know for a fact that she thinks you're cute then i don't see why this is so hard.
Catch her coming out of class, pretend to have had that teacher last year, bitch about him/her, make small talk, who the fuck cares. This is genius because it displays your age, talks about something she thinks you have in common with her (despising of said teacher), but most importantly it just gets you fucking talking. Really, that's all it takes. Hell, if you're too much of a pussy to ask her out this would allow for an opportunity to help her with the class, which she'll know the real motive behind anyway.