How tall do you think I'll be?

This will tell you how tall.

Kid's Height Predictor -
You'll probably be around 6'0. My dad is 5'9 and my mom is 5'1, i have no idea how i'm 6'1. it's crazy o_O
my mom is 5'6 and my dad is 5'8 and i turned out to be 6'3 in a half. i got my height from both my granddads there both around and over 6 feet.
Honestly there is a way to tell but you have to know how tall you were when you were three, no joke its a mathematical formula my mother used on 6 kids and it was right every time.height is a hard thing to just guess my mother is 5'10' almost 5'11' and my father is 6'5" my older bother is about 6'2" i am 5'9" my younger sister is 6'1" my next brother down is15 and about to be 6'0" the last 2 are still mostly to young to really work in to my statement. the point is look how random that is Yes we all tall but i wound up shorter then everyone so far at 5'9" so my best guess you will probably be a good height, by weather your a girl or boy stand up tall and be proud girls love tall guys and tall women stand out and are impressive forget the stupid kids who tease they will all be short and you will spend you life getting asked if your a model.
I don't know if there is really a way to know just how tall you might be. I am 5'6 and have a cousin who is 6'11 (and that's not a typo,he really is almost 7 feet tall). Height runs in my family on both sides and some of us are way short, while some are very tall. My little brother didn't hit a growth spurt until he was 16 and he grew over a foot and a half, so ya never know. Think positively lol. Hope this helps.
there are online height calculators.
one is below.
probably pretty good too since it is from webmd.
it will just give you the probability.
it's not going to be exact
For you're age you're pretty tall. I'm the same age as you and I'm only 5'3"! It really depends when you started your growth spurt, but by the sound of it you'll probably be about 5'10", give or take a couple inches. If you started your growth spurt early - about ten years old - you're likely to finish growing in a year or two, so you should be about 5'8". But if you've only recently started your growth spurt you may more likely be about 6'.
Ok so I am 14 at the moment and i have just reached 6 ft. My dad is 5'9 and mom is 5'6. You think the highest you will be able to get is about 6'4, but don't worry your growth has not stopped yet! You have a long way to go! Hope this helps!:)
Guys are always guaranteed to be taller than their mother upon full growth - so chances are, in about 2-3 years you'll be 6'1", by 20 you could easily be 6'4" :)
Don't believe in that crap "if your parents are short you'll be short or when you hit 18 you're done growing" if you exercise and take vitamin, sleep well you should be sport like Basketball ^_^ you'll be really tall, still got time to grow.