How Should I Deal With These Women Who Gossip?? Help please?


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I'm 20 yrs old and in March of last year I moved into my second apartment. The majority of the tenants are older / elderly people (there are some people that are in my age range here too but they mostly keep to them self here). But anyways, I noticed the continuous gossip that goes on around this complex. This older lady named Rosemary, along with a couple other older women were nice for a while after I had moved in here. They persuaded me to participate in the activities that they had going on downstairs - Wii Bowling, Cards, Getting nails done etc.

I started out playing Wii Bowling and Rosemary and I kind of became close to me. She said to me one day she "adopted" me as her granddaughter. But after a while I started getting tired of the gossip that she would bring to the Bowling event and before too long, I stopped bowling with her and some of the other tenants in the building. One other reason I stopped enjoying bowling was because some of her gossip was indirectly spoken towards me or another older tenant I might be very courteous and kind to.

After I stopped bowling, she stopped speaking to me - And I found her coming into the computer lab, where I would go to get some of my online business taken care of. She'd sit next to this other lady who did computer class some times and start making conversation - OBVIOUS conversation that it was about me.

I found out February this year that my fiancee and I are expecting our first child - I'm 10 weeks right now. Well she came in to the computer lab today and started talking about how she's going to get a petition of some sort started because "this apartment complex is not meant for children." Then she bragged about how a previous tenant had been kicked out while she was either pregnant with the child or a little after she had the baby.

Her knowing that I'm pregnant and to randomly bring that up while I'm sitting right there had me thinking..there's also been other instances where she'll come in the computer lab again, not speaking to me but making a gesture about me. My fiancee recently moved in with me and she made a comment saying "I'm so sick of these young kids going in and out of here on this floor.."

I was thinking about writing her a letter and slipping it under her door. Not cursing at her or anything but just expressing how I feel about the comments she makes around me, that are about me. Then I thought about speaking to the land lord about it..What should I do??

I don't bother this woman, I don't pry into her personal life - But she's been doing it to me like it's her 9-5, even having my fiancee at one point help her carry in her groceries just so she could find out how our relationship was operating...
Writing a letter is good gossip sucks it destroys everything Take your time in writing the letter so that you can free your mind off your fears of the lady talking about you because not really big deal she's not worth It Learn how to let it go in 1 ear and out the other she doesn't have anything better to do Telling the landlord won't make you look desperate and needy Just ignoring your woman
I didn't read all of it to long, but these people have nothing better to do. i would not pay them any attention and live my life. If it is affecting your actual stay there in the apartments move dint tell anyone your business.