How reliable is the 1975-1991 Polish Fiat 125P?

Sep 7, 2009
My dad used to drive one of these, a 1974 Fiat 125P. He said it held together for some years for him in the 1980s, but I was wondering how reliable the 1975-1991 Fiat 125P is. I want to get one if I go to Poland.

How many MPG's does it get?
How much gas does it take?
How many miles can you drive it for (e.g., I heard the old Checker Cabs can get up to over 500,000 miles)?
Is it a good first car?
Are parts hard to find for it?
The list of questions below the actual question, I would base that information if I were in Poland looking for one of these classics. So the parts question, I'm asking if parts are hard to find for it in Poland (and I guess the U.S.)