how much will it cost to go on the Disney cruise for a family of 4?


New member
Jul 23, 2008
1 adult 32 years (single mom)
1 teen 17 years
1 kid 12 years
1 baby 9 months
how much would it cost to go on the cruise for 3 or 4 days our limit is 1,000 (trying to get the oldest a car) Google isn't really helping. but if the cruise is over 1,200 is there other cruises thats under my limit
a lot/

Disney is the most expensive mainstream line and you can figure that it will cost about $150 per person per day minimum.. and thats for the smallest interior cabin during off season. and yes the 9 month old costs the same as the adult.

no way can you cruise for $1000 for 4 people on any line. between taxes, port fees and mandatory expenses like service charges it pretty much cannot be done.
Disney is very pricey. Check expedia, vacationstogo, or you could try where brokers will make you offers. Or you could go to the horse's mouth and do it direct through Disney. Do you mean $1000 each? I hope so, because it isn't going to work for 4 on any cruise.

Carnival is the cheapest, but it's also, well, the cheapest. I would check out Royal Caribbean. They are more upscale than Carnival but cheaper than Disney, and have good kid's programs. I can't see as I would take a 9 month old on a cruise. I'd buy the car and wait until the 9 month old is 4.