How much weight can I lose from bike spinning?


May 12, 2008
Hello, my name is Nikki and for Christmas I got a spinning bike and I have been using it a little but now I'm ready to start using it more and more often. I am 5'4 age 17, and I'm 174LBS and I'm trying to get down to 120LBS. So I'm basically trying to lose 54LBS. I wanted my goal to be to lose it by summer but then is like 3 months away which in my head makes me think that it's impossible to lose 50LBS in 90 days. I am going to be changing my diet as well and try to be on a strict 1500 to 2000 cal a day diet. It's going to be hard, and I know that but I was wondering how much you can actually lose from spinning. Even though I'm like 50lbs overweight I don't look like it though. my legs are normal but the fat is mainly in my stomach, my upper thighs, upper arms, and a little in my face. My main concern right now is the belly. So I wanna know if it burns a lot of belly fat (as well as other regions too because I know you can lose weight in a specific area), how much does it burn depending on how long or how much you do, and if it is impossible/possible to lose 50lbs in 90 days.
Sorry this is a little long.
@Trustworthy Dog...that was funny xD