How much is membership for Genesis Fitness Club?


New member
Jan 16, 2013
There were these people out in the City looking to find more recruits and I just couldn't say no the girl who was telling me about becoming a member of that gym. I would feel very terrible if I turned her down on that offer she was telling me about. Anyway I'm thinking of doing weight loss and was wondering how much would membership be or sessions be.

I want to lose weight around the stomach and buttocks aka "Gluteus Maximus"
Hang on a sec ..let 's see if I've got this right ...

You were propositioned in the city by some little cutie who's signed you up for the gym & you don't know what it's going to cost ..correct ?

Okay mate , sorry but can't help you . Maybe you can google it but apart from that I guess you'll find out when you rock in there
It does seem odd that she didn't tell you. The best thing would be to ring them as they have all sorts of different membership packages. Warning: don't get sucked in to an unrealistic contract just to get a cheap price. Gyms are notorious for signing people up on watertight contracts (which are only economical if you go twice a day eight days a week) and taking their money on a direct debit.