How much data do you use on your smartphone?


Feb 27, 2008
I'm one of the few people in the developed world without a phone and it's damn annoying. I'm tired of borrowing phones from friends and annoying them to call my parents about SCHOOL related things! They should seriously let me get a phone. D:

But with AT&T's dumb idea to get rid of unlimited data, I don't know if it'll be worth it. I know I use my iPod touch a bunch for the internet when I'm in wifi, so I'd use a phone a tooooon for the 'net if i had one. And we don't get Verizon service around here in the middle of le nowhere~ so AT&T's really my only choice.

So, anyway, how much data do you go through each month?
What are your opinions on AT&T's plan change?
Your opinions on the iPhone 4 (what I want)?
Also, if you get like, the cheapest plan for minutes and texting and have a contract, can you change your contract to allow more minutes and texting?