How many girls have you hooked up with?

you should have defined "hook up" in your first post... makes a huge difference between making out/oral/and sex

not that it really matters, 90% of the people here are just bull shitting lol

err 99%
well uhh ya see im always scared to make the move, i'd be more comfortable to start trying on a guy who wouldnt care ya know? it'd be easier

but can someone tell me, what do tongues feel like? what does it feel like when your tongue rolls over their tastebuds?
Legitimate hookups, not counting random girls that were given just a single kiss and whatnot...around 30 in the span of the last 2 years.

God I can't wait for college. That number is going to triple. :p
5, three were relationships, so overall about 60ish times

edit: by hookups, im refering to sex, not just making out...