How many cons would complain about the rise in their taxes should Armed...


New member
Feb 4, 2013
...guards be put in al the public schools? If armed guards were placed in every public school across america there's no doubt we'd see a rise in our taxes, Since higher taxes is usually a bad thing, Why would anyone let alone conservatives want this?
Since that is a state and local issue those choices would be made within the local community and if they choose to raise their own taxes it is their choice.
Here where I am the local school districts already have their own independent police departments with armed officers at every school, and have had this for decades.
Why do you ask such a Question when you know full well that all that has to be done is for the current regime to curtail sending funds to regimes around the world that only pretend to be our allies. Or could it be that this is to difficult for the present occupant of the Oval Office to understand? I won't mention 'low information voters' because this discussion is obviously over their heads. And in closing the answer is NO, no additional taxes would be needed because it already been explained.
My State has had them for years. They are paid for out of our property taxes. They are called School Resource Officers. They have saved lives from time to time. They man the magnetometers and confiscate weapons from the little school darlings all the time. The Liberals have been running our school system for 45 years. They have managed to take the best school system in the nation and put it in the bottom of the rankings. In my State it is illegal to administer an aspirin to a student at school, but they can give your 11 year old daughter birth control or an abortion without your knowledge or consent. Something is really wrong here. The armed guards are watching the wrong people.