How long to tan outdoors with fair skin?


New member
Jul 14, 2008
Every other summer I just got a tan from playing outdoors but I don't want tan lines so i'm actually going to lay out. I have super pale skin as of right now. In the past I tanned without burning, my dad says it's cause i've got indian in me but Idk anything about all that. Last summer I did sunburn though, but it's because I was in a swimming pool for 8 hours without any sunscreen...when the sunburn went away I was superrr tan but that wasn't safe i'm guessing. xD I'll be using lotion with spf 15 or whatever you suggest. So how long should I lay out my first day, second day, etc. I'm not trying to be dark, just don't want to be ghost white. Sorry for rambling just trying to get some info in.