How is it better for a business to go belly-up,everyone loses,then selling


Sep 13, 2009
off to capital investors when some? may lose,[which they would anyway], but some may win?
Some bad businesses can be made viable, others just can't.
Do you understand what the vulture capitalist mean when they say that a company can be made 'more viable'?
It mean it is basically a healthy company making a modest profit with a good debt ratio. By more viable they mean modest profits can be maximized by doing away with employee benefits, employee retirement funds, the employees themselves, company equipment, and the company assets. By more viable they mean more viable profit wise to the CEO, the board members, and the vulture capitalist company that executed the leverage buyout.
So who loses on the deal? The employees, their families, the town the company was located in.
And who wins? The fat cats getting fatter.
I know. Nice how Liberals and candidate looks at 2 that died under Romney's firm. Yet fail to even mention the growth of the other 148 saved and started. So, that's like what less than .02% their bitching and moaning over? How about we focus back on the jobs Obama keeps killing?
I know, it's a simple principle, isn't it, but the left thinks the entire objective of business is to carry ppl regardless of whether they are productive. They'd rather take everyone down in order to get to the 'capitalist' than save any jobs at all.