How hard is it to fight off a komodo dragon?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
I'm a bit of a naif when it comes to fighting.

Would it be difficult, if a komodo came up to you, to kick it repeatedly in its face? Would it be so difficult to grab a rock and smash it on the lizard's head? These animals seem so revered, but with enough force you can surely disable it, can't you?

Bonus: Is it difficult to outrun a crocodile? Why does the myth say that you have run in a zig-zag?
Komodo dragons are huge with jaws the size of your head. If you were to be on the full offensive, you could likely obtain a rock large enough to crush their skull. Your ability to maneuver around the komodo would be lessened by the weight however.

If you charged at a komodo dragon they would either flee, rendering your attack useless, or attack at your legs which could easily disable you. Combat against komodos isn't a good idea for the same reason it isn't a smart idea to piss off a snake.

Bonus: Crocodiles are highly stealthy creatures, and if you wandered close enough to their lair to provoke an attack you wouldn't have the time to turn and face them let alone run away. They would keep underwater until the shoreline, where they can easily bite you and pull you in if you are unaware. (Also, a zig zag pattern would possibly confuse a pursuing crocodile, but again if you got enough distance to do the first zig the crocodile would probably give up and look for something easier.)

Ideally, staying away from large reptiles is a good strategy.