How Funny is it that PPL accept Obama's Birth Cert. as Real?????


New member
Sep 13, 2010
It's Fake!!!!!!!

Why do u think it took so long for him to put it out there????

2012 we put a REAL american in the White house.

Us Tea party will not be fooled and we will take over in 2012 and vote them out!!!!

Who is with me???
It has been done to death. We cannot get the Supreme Court to hear it and so the issue, in my thinking, is dead.

People need to turn off their tvs and maybe pick up some books. These clowns are making a mockery of our political process. Let's find some statesmen with some class.
What's funny is how the after-birthers just keep believing.
Even the folks at Fox News thinks you guys are nuts.
My favorite are the people that don't know how OCR works with Adobe Illustrator - and somehow their ignorance is proof of something. "There's a video on youtube", so it must be real - lol.
I agree .. put him out ...he has given us nothing but lies. I'm with you but who would be the best choice to go up against him? I think McCain is the one but after the failed election would he be a viable candidate? Then again who would the Dem.s put out there? We are pretty much stuck in a mess.
What's funny is how the after-birthers just keep believing.
Even the folks at Fox News thinks you guys are nuts.
My favorite are the people that don't know how OCR works with Adobe Illustrator - and somehow their ignorance is proof of something. "There's a video on youtube", so it must be real - lol.
the Tea Party is a joke, at best ... and scary at its worst

I'd love to see a legitimate 3rd party, but the republicans and the democrats will never let that happen
What's funny is how the after-birthers just keep believing.
Even the folks at Fox News thinks you guys are nuts.
My favorite are the people that don't know how OCR works with Adobe Illustrator - and somehow their ignorance is proof of something. "There's a video on youtube", so it must be real - lol.
You got that right! The most powerful man in the world took two years to forge a fake birth certificate! How incompetent is that! And it's so obviously a fake!!!!! let's get a real American in office!!! Let's get two of the smartest, most effective people in the White House in 2012!!! Vote for Trump/Palin (Trump likes to be on top)!!!!!!!!!
You're a fake. The birth certificate was "produced" after 3 years only because his ratings are in the tank. Anyone with a brain knows it's been "fixed". He seems to think that will fix it for him. There are worse problems he's causing this country to be concerned with. He still wants the birth certificate to be an issue. That will catch up with him in the end. Focus on what he's doing to the country. (Just what he doesn't want.)
Birthers are what gives the Tea Party and all Republicans a bad name, any wonder why real Republicans are trying to distance themselves from them...