How fast can I expect to ride my bike?


Jun 2, 2008
I have a mountain bike with knobby tires. I have a toolbox riveted on the back with a whole bunch of stuff in it; the whole setup weighs 30 kilos or so (65 pounds).
I myself weigh 70 kilos (155 pounds).

On a flat, I usually ride at about 20-22 kph (12-15 mph). If I want to speed up, 30 kph (18 mph) isn't unreasonable for an extended period. If I pump it I can stick at 40 kph (25 mph) for about 5 minutes or so. Flat out, I can barely hit 50 kph (30 mph) for about 3 seconds.

Is this about the expected speed for my overall weight? Should I be proud of myself or should I work harder to increase my performance?

(btw I'm no competition rider, I cycle mostly for pleasure and to commute. Just wondering..)