How does Skype compare on ipad 2 and android?


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I am trying to choose between an Ipad 2 or a similar android tablet (been looking at the samsung 2 10.1 oe similar)
The biggest use will be in internet, emails, online games, web streaming (mostly bbc 1player) and Skype.
Skype is really important, although the no 1 person we'll be wanting to video chat can use facetime so we may be able to mostly avoid any issues with skype.
My laptop had died and until I can replace it with a good main computer I really fancy a tablet. Providing it can do what I need it to!
Thanks for your attention!
Realised I didn't even frame that as a question!
Basically, I am finding it difficult to choose and I don't know if I'm drawn to apple because I'm a sucker fr a good marketing strategy!
Also samsung are offering £50 cashback which makes it cheaper. However I would rather spend the extra for a more reliable machine. In addition to the android pro list is the fact I can get a usb into it, but ipad 2's don't have that facility, does it?