How does a painfully shy guy get girls to show interest in him?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Or are they just doomed to die alone? I have social anxiety disorderl i have a really hard time with women, im afraid of rejection, i have wiered, little shared interests, and i never know what to say to women or hold a conversation especially since i HATE modern music. Im only 21 and i cant get a date to save my life. Approaching girls is out of the question, i just physically cant, the fear of rejection (im not used to failing at ANYTHING, im an A++ university student)is so physically there a way to get them to come to me without spending millions to get surgery to look like brad pitt, or get millions to attract some gold digger?? Maybe i should just kill my self. Women never appoach men, i cant approach women, seems i got nothing left.
thats tough for you eh.... um do you look good or cute or absolutrly idiotic??? if u lokk sort of OKAY, why dont you get someone to do the work for you??? like a wingman who'll tell that you were ummm.... at ever your good at but too shy to tell. Become friends with a friend of the girl you like and ask her to do it. Try it.. hope it helps you.... Otherwise, find another shy girl.But NEVER LOSE HOPE. Youll do it one day dude, and btw, DONT look like a geek if you are one ;-)
I feel for you I really do. If I were a man I would have probably been single a lot more often for this very reason. Maybe it's unfair, but the cold hard truth is most women will wait for a man to approach her. You might luck out, there are women out there not afraid to take initiative, but you can't really bank on it. Do you want my honest opinion? Try online dating. Contrary to what some might say it's not for "losers" or "desperate" people. It can be a haven for the shy, or people tired of the bar scene or merely looking for someone with common interests. It's a good opportunity to get to know someone without the pressure of face to face social awkwardness, or having to worry about long pauses in conversation. No one on there is going to judge you because they are on there too. Might you have some bad experiences? Sure, but no more than the average person has going on a date with someone they met at a club or whatever. I know people will tell you "just gain some confidence" and while being good advice, I'm sure you know that's easier said than done. I met an ex online. It wasn't a dating a site, it was actually an online game, but a very nice relationship came out of that meeting. By the time we met face to face a lot of the awkwardness and shyness was gone because we had spent a lot of time already getting to know each other already. Just some food for thought.