How does a 12 year old boy release properly?

i started when 10 and im now 12, i dont use lube and is the way! lol i just do it to get my arms more mustle :tongue out: lol
I usually lay naked on my bed in a cold room. then you grab the skin around your dick and rub it up and down. start slow, then go faster and it is good. Think about girls.
I'm 12 and there's nothing wrong with masturbating but I think that it's disgusting to watch hardcore pornography at anything less than 16. I think watching it just shows you can't get the real thing.
i started masterbating at 11 , i just think of boys and girls naked
I'm a 12 year old gay boy, usually when I'm in the bath i use shampoo as lube and just masturbating but be careful because some shampoo burn your penis if it gets in the inside but other then that it's fine. If you're not in the bath then take off all your clothes, put a pillow between your legs, rub or pinch your nipples and masturbate to your imagination or porn.
Im 13.

Try soaping your hands and penis up alot.
Then take one hand make a full circle with you hand.
Next put your Penis in the hole go up and down.
If you go slow it stimulate your sex organ and tickles and when it does hold it in Place for max experience, or just go fast.
Do it in the shower when taking a shower and don't forget to lock the door do your parents don't catch u.
I'm 13.

Try not to get to much soap in your penis or it begins to burn.
When your done wash you penis out with water so it hurts less.
You are having problems with this because these women are US citizens. European or even Canadian women do not have buttholes, poop shoots, if you want the scientific term.