How do you train a cat to be outdoors?


Active member
Mar 15, 2008
I just got my cat a week ago but I am thinking in the long term (1 - 2 years) of training him to be outdoors.

First of all, I should start by saying that I will be moving in four months, so I am not going to start training him until him and I are settled in a different place.

I was thinking something along the lines of this process:

1) Start by purchasing a cat walk and take him out every day for 20 mins to an hour.
2) Slowly begin to grant him more responsibility by taking him out without a leash and superivse him very closely.
3) Go out with him beyond the backyard.
4) Let him out on his own and keep the door open until he comes back.

Does this process look sufficient? He is only 6 months old and moans constantly by the door and even scratches at the window wanting outside. We have lots of toys for him and have many things to keep him pre occupied but I feel horrible because he wants to go outside sooo bad.
Don't let your cat out unless its on a leash unless you don't care it if vanishes, gets poisoned, hit by a car, gets hauled off to AC, gets killed by a dog or native predator and far worse.

You are human, you have thumbs, your cat has you trained to do what it wants you to do. Don't let it out unless its on a leash and just ignore it when it scratches at the windows and door. If the cat isnt altered already get that done.