How do you rekindle a friendship with someone at work who you stopped


New member
Jun 3, 2008
talking with for months? Should I try? We initially got along at work as friends. In the past, months ago, a large group of us would go to the bar a couple times after work, and this girl and I often hung beside each other each time, going from group to group together. At work, it became a somewhat different story - she often acted very unhappy to be there. When I would approach, she would act very unenthusiastic and uninterested. She would give a short reply and trudge on without looking over sometimes. I didn't like this at all. After a while I felt I couldn't hold conversation with her. And another girl came in and began to form what I thought to be, a clique. They acted a bit like they were in High School. I got the feeling there was a bit of gossip running through this group. And I allowed myself to not get involved with them and slipped away from this group. I rejected going out with them one night and they never asked again. At work, I stopped talking on personal levels with the girls of this group, or clique, and would only communicate on work terms. I did still talk and joke loudly and confidently with other people at work. At first, this girl didn't seem to mind that we weren't really talking. At times, she might have come across as rude toward me - be it that I wasn't talking to her or that she just didn't think highly of me, I don't know. The person who started the cliques and what not eventually quit.

This girl has gradually begun trying to be friendly with me. I rarely start conversations with her. But lately, she'll begin with something herself. Tonight, on a few occasions, she walked up to me and began to speak. Responses didn't necessarily come easily but I did respond. It feels a bit awkward communicating with her still. There's this new tension now whereas previously neither of us really cared and just went on without noticing each other. We kept almost bumping into each other while at the drinking fountain today - both reaching for a lemon at the same time, heading in one direction at the same time. This isn't what I wanted. It almost comes across as sexual tension and that isn't a message I want to send.

As I've joked with others, she's listened in and laughed from the sidelines. I wondered if she is being friendly because others at work like me. I had basically decided a while back, months back, that I just wasn't going to bother with her - I didn't care for her unenthusiastic attitude toward me nor the way she acted when she associated with that one girl. Now she seems a lot friendlier than she ever has before. I do think she is happier and way more comfortable at work than she was in the past. But I've gotten to the point where I don't see her as a friend and was used to simply walking by without saying anything or looking at each other. I can say that in this situation, I am not socially advanced enough to turn things back around. What do you think?