how do you put your foot down with over protective parents?


May 13, 2008
I'm 19 and my parents won't let me go hang out with friends on the weekends or weekdays, unless it's still light out.

What can i do or say to them to make them realize i need this kind of social activity in my life? and it's just too overbearing most of the time, because it gets ridiculous having to call every hour to tell them where i'm at..
It can be hard as a young adult, and wanting to go out with your friends when your parents are a bit overbearing. One way to deal with this would maybe be to compromise, negotiate conditions under which you all feel is fair. Find out what they expect of you when you go out, and what you expect to be allowed to do when you are out. From there, try and meet somewhere in the middle. I agree it is a little harsh to be nearing twenty and having to be home before dusk. Maybe if you explained to your parents more about why this is an issue for you, to show them things from your perspective to try and make them understand. You also have to be willing to listen and do the same for them, and hopefully you can both make sacrifices that would lead to them being comfortable with you going out.
Bring both yourself and your parents to the realization that are an adult, and can handle the responsibilities of what that means.