How do you play a video clips or a movie (DVD) on my TV from your Laptop?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
I found out that my roomate was playing movies/shows on his TV screen while it was playing on his laptop. I think he was using this cable to hook up his laptop to this..... uh.... Device that allows him to play his music from his iPod or the TV (might need the DVD player or not).

Does anyone know what it was called? And do you know how I can play video clips and DVD movies (Besides just from NetFlix) from my Laptop on my TV screen?
If your TV has A VGA imput in the back just use a double sided VGA from your laptop to your tv. If not then you need a VGA to HDMI... they are cheap on ebay.
Hope i helped :)
It is called an HDMI Cable. for phones you need a micro cable and for a laptop a regular size should work but I don't have a laptop but it should work.