How do you know FOR SURE if a girl has lost interest in you?


May 15, 2008
This girl and I have been talking for quite some time and things have been going very good. The first time we hangout went wonderfully and we ended the day with a few kisses, and she called me that night to talk. After that we text everyday and she occasionally calls me before she goes to sleep. She always sends me wake up texts in the morning because she wakes up before I do.

Well in the past 3-4 days she has stopped doing this altogether. No wake up texts, she has rarely texted me at all in the past few days, and when I ask if she wants to hangout I either get no reply or a simple "idk".

I don't get it, did I do something wrong? Everything was going so good then all of the sudden its like she just moved on or something. I know she really likes me because she even said so...

Anyone wanna help me understand?