How do you convince non-believers to accept Christ?!!!?

Go away, leave the atheists alone, how many times do they have to tell you they don't believe what you believe?
You don't, you accept them for who they are and what they believe. Or do Christians not understand how to act in civilized society?
If there was anyway whatsoever to convince us, it would be through reasonable, intelligent and civilised dialogue. Something most Christians are incapable of.
You don't> You plant the seed of truth and then let God do the rest, as you continue to pray for them
you can't, they have to accept Him through their belief and Faith that he lived a sinless life, was crucified on the Cross and tortured beyond understanding, and arose again cheating Death just so you could get into Heaven. My job is to let you know through my actions and words, how much of a difference He has made in my life and how much Peace and Calm I have. I cannot save your soul, only Christ can do that. :) Hope that helps and please read my sources if you care to know more. Have a wonderful and Blessed Day!
TORTURE THEM! oh wait, you mean what should you do? or what christians have done for all thier history? tell ya the truth, why do you want to convert them..... do you get a better car in heaven for more converts......
Let other people live in peace. Why do you think the majority of us WANT you telling us that your way is is the only way and that if we're not "saved" we'll go to "hell." Honestly, most of us don't care and dont want to hear it.
well i belief in god and jesus but some stuff in the bible are not tru jesus did stuff in really different way that most people will never understand
A better question is how do you convince Christians to accept non-believers? I send them to the site below, it shows you all the pro-premarital sex stuff in the Bible your church will never tell you about.
5 million pounds would do it ;-)

nah only kidding.

50 million pounds+