How do universities limit bittorrent download speeds?


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Downloading legal stuff (mainly linux distributions). My home connection goes at 1.5 MB per second and I never actually configured any ports for it to work.

But at my university it's a different story. There is no problem downloading the .torrent file, opening it, having bittorrent log in and whatnot, but the download speed is about 0.1kb/s.

How are they limiting the download speed? I'm not really interested in bypassing this (I just download at home) - but I've always liked I.T. and this has aroused my curiousity. So if you can also suggest a workaround to bypass their throttling, and the workaround works, it would confirm that the reason you gave is correct.

P.S. Using "forced" encryption in my bittorrent client made no difference.
its probably a firewall preventing commonly used bittorrent ports to be used and then a QoS (Quality of Service) maybe set up to have bittorent set to low an on some routers even completely blocked