how do I use the Sense Me application (sony ericsson w910)?

I've clicked the sense me analysis and it suddenly pops up a window and it says 'sense me analysis is complete' but it didn't take any minute to do so. I have songs in my phone already.Do I have to transfer songs first to do the sense me thing?
try the Sony Ericsson website...i know mine work once then it stops completely ...trying to figure it out myself .
why sense me is so complicated???
these feature is useless without media manager
phone should sense songs it self :mad:
sense me is one of the most complicated application of them all
but after spending few hours i figure out how to use it

first install and register media manager
then connect your phone in mass storage mode
connect phone or memory stick in which you wanna transfer files with media manager
go to settings/general/reserve space/0% do this first or it will keep 10 to 25% memory reserve
then go to music settings/file type/select mp3
click on sense me analysis
then go to music and click on add shortcut to select folder from pc
then select folder on phone and transfer file
now sense me will work
but after doing all this hardwork and spending hours you gonna feel dissipointed
cus it will create a folder for each album or artist so if you put 100 files it will make one folder of each album even you locate the folder you wanna transfer files in
and when you stare sense me it will sense songs
but it will sense happy song in sad fast in slow slow in happy
so sense me app is just a waste of time
it does not make any sense
it is most stupid app sony has ever given
i'm hardcore fan of se phones but this app is stupid and useless