How do i tell my coworker that i don't want to listen to stories regarding...


New member
Apr 15, 2013
...his vacations, children etc? My coworker is an over-sharer and he just goes on and on about his vacations ,children etc. Is there a polite or diplomatic way of telling him that i am not interested in his stories? and would it be appropriate to tell him that i am not interested in his stories?
ok, this could be a good senario

Coworker: hey did you hear about...

You: hey sorry man, im going through a tough time, and i just need time to think

keep it going for a few weeks or a month

and he'll get the message

it worked for me hahaha
Just tell him, I'm sorry but I'm really extra busy now. No need to be an a$$hole when dealing with him, he probably doesn't know any better.
He's probably just really proud of his family and wants to brag. Honestly I would just suck it up and deal with it unless you want to be on bad terms with him. He may find a negative response to his stories as rude. Just try to act like you're interested is what I would do.
No it wouldn't, but you smile and say, sorry I'm busy. I have to get back to work/go out for a few minutes/help someone/make a phone call. Don't be such a good listener.

Or you could bring in your family photo album and tell him you want to spend an hour showing him your family snapshots. I bet he avoids you. Talkers are not good listeners.
He may not even be aware of the fact that he's annoying you, so politely excuse yourself the next time he starts to ramble. For example, you could say something like, "Excuse me, I forgot to return a phone call." or "Excuse me, nature calls." Hopefully, he will catch on.