how do i tell my bf, that my future housemate i use to hook up with?? (in the past)?


New member
Dec 2, 2011
im moving in with 2 guys. one of the guys ive known for 5 years and he is friends with my best friend. whenever he came down to Melbourne i would hook up with him....we never had sex, nor would it go anywhere as hes from perth. now hes coming to melbourne to live and he asked me to live with him as he trusts me and we are not close enough to risk loosing a friendship. he knows fully well i have a bf and respects that.... altho one time i brought up him meeting him, and he didn't seem overly happy... but he is the kinda guy with strong morals.

i havent told my bf that ive hooked up with this guy in the past as i think its irelevant i never had feelings for him, nor am i attracted to him now. i dont want to freak my bf out. i was thinking of telling him after they meet?? but i want to say it in a way that doesnt scare him. how??
If you didn't have sex then there is nothing to tell. Don't blow things out of proportion. If you don't intend to have sex with him, then say nothing, and live and let live. Why make the situation complicated when it doesn't have to be?
Would it bother you if your boyfriend moved into a house with two other girls? One that he hooked up with and then didn't tell you about? I highly doubt that you would allow that.
U're opening up a chance of the guy being the one to tell ur bf, even if u don't. Your smartest move would be to show the guy a site that has roomates and let him find another one. I'd say don't tel him but there are various ways the guy cld tell your bf. Anyway there's always chances u'll hook up with dude again, more so now. U'll probably make your life kind of hellish doing this but ur call.