How do I sue or get back at Comcast for screwing up my cable and Internet?


New member
Jun 6, 2009
First of all I want revenge against Comcast.

One roommate moved out of my place and 2 more came in but just because of a stupid technicality like the modem is in his name and not mine they feel the need to shut it down just because of some dumb a$$ rule.

And that's not the worst part

They screwed up my cable also.

Apparently my new roommates cable box works and mine does not.

I tried throwing a temper tantrum and punching a wall but to no avail in solving my problems.

If something else is altered I fear it may be messed up even further and to make matters worse I have to work tomorrow and have no free time to fix this issue until Friday

I'm thinking of playing hookie from work just to solve this issue during the time I want to.

I am also thinking of sue-ing Comcast for their mistake.

In addition I need somebody here to wave a magic wand and magically make it Friday. I need this way more than anyone else by the way.

Oh sure there are people at home that can help but they got it wrong once so why should I learn to trust anyone in the world ever again.

If everything is not as it was by tomorrow I will seriously go out somewhere and beat the crap out of something.