How do I introduce my boyfriend's dog to my cats?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
My boyfriend and I are talking about moving in together but we have a concern.

He has a dog. She is a 5 year old German Short-hair that has never been around cats, she is also a hunting dog so my boyfriend is worried she'll want to "hunt" the cats. I have two tabby cats. One is 2 years old and the other is 1 year old. The 2 year old was around dogs when she was 1 and the 1 year old has never been around dogs. How do we successfully introduce them to eachother so we can take the next step in our relationship?
Please be helpful. I want to at least give it a try. If it doesn't work out, we'll go from there.
He says she is a pointing dog. She doesn't actually do any hunting. She just points. I don't know if this makes a difference.
You may be in for a lot of real trouble as there is a chance that none of them will get along with each other. The cats will try to hide, run away, etc., but if they are not successful, it could end up tragically. Is your relationship strong enough to survive, because I am sure that the animals will survive, one way or the other. Please go easy on the animals, they have no idea about your life style, they just want to survive and be loved, cared for and protected. Just be patient, and do not leave they alone together no matter how good it looks when you are around.
its simple, you can' you said the dog is a hunting u mean that particular dog or that the breed of dog is used for hunting. Either way, its not going to work, the dog is 5 years old, its instinct is to prey, at 5 years old you are not going to rewire the dog to like cats. Dogs have natural prey instincts, some more than others depending on the breed and if the dog was raised as a puppy with cats then you would have a shot but not a 5 yo. Sorry.
have the cat in your hand and show it to the dog make sure your bf is holding onto the dog. if the dog doesnt do anything bring the cat closer and closer (but not near its mouth) just allow the dog to snif the cat. if anything you can get a personal trainer that will help the dog be trained with the cat.
This is a really hard one.
I'd say it's right, don't ever leave them together.
Provide lots of hidey holes and high places for the cats to go. If possible I would cage the dog and introduce the cats to him. They will likely freak out to start with, but when they calm down you will get a feel for how it might work out. I think it all depends on how the dog reacts to them. He might not be interested! Good luck.