How do I hunt rabbits with a pellet gun? Crossman Storm XT?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
I live in upstate NY and i always see rabbit tracks but i havent seen a rabbit ever when im hunting and i really want to hunt them but what should i do. there is big corn filds and not one rabbit or they are never in the woods i always look for them but not ONE can you please help?
atleast get a .22 you cant kill with a pellet gun

put down some deer corn in front of you about 10 yards and sit still for a few minutes and if they dont come keep putting corn everyday so they know where easy food is and go and wait
A pellet gun will kill I have 1 and my Friend kill a rabbit with his my guess is bury some carrots and put some on top of the ones you buries. Is their any wolves or coyotes that will eliminate those rabbits in that area bot cats at least. OK what you do it lure them in with apples or carrots trust me they like it make sure you cut the apples so the sent spreads everywhere. Apple Juice may work as a liquid lure. Then wait 3 days and go back(with your gun) and see if the food is gone. Look at the bite marks to see if their rabbit not deer (I don't know how to tell) Then rabbits should come. Also keep in mind in daylight savings time rabbits do come put when the sun is down but you need a red light to hunt them or else you will scare them away. (many animals can't see red light) A good way to get realy close yp to a rabbit is making sure it can see you and stay complety still controling your breathing and blinking for about 10min and the rabbit will think your cool. (I always do it and I get so close I could pick the darn thing up) Hope This Helps!
new york if have fence rows on small brush look for bark chewed off to knee high on thats fair place where to start lookin go slow kick around brush and weed growth on down wind side of slopes edge of drifts look for red and yellow spots on snow or grass briar patches good bad weather cedar trees goin slows the hard part
probably shouldn't be hunting them with a pellet gun! If there are big corn fields around, then it shouldn't be a problem using a .22. Better check your state laws and license requirements. Most places require you to have a small game license to hunt rabbits, you can't just go blasting away at them, there could be consequences.