how do i get my puppy not to whine when i go out of the room ?


Jun 11, 2008
... okay every time i walk out of the room ... my puppy whines ... and REALLY loudly ... how can i prevent this
Okay, first off, you should put your puppy in the crate, then yes, give it a toys to keep it occupied. Also, it would be a good tip to leave on classical music for you puppy, because he gets lonely. Then, leave the room and do whatever. After a while, when he stops whining, go into the room and reward him. Also, whenever you put your puppy in the crate or he goes obediently, reward him with a treat. He'll soon come to love his crate.
if it is in a crate, put a blanket over it and shut the door and IGNORE the behavior.
giving attantion lets the pup know that" HEY, when I whine my owner comes in!!"
well, ur puppy clearly loves you. so u just have to teach him that u cant be with him 24/7. the best way to do that would prebly be to just pracice leaving the room until he gets that he cant whine just because u left.
Start slowly, leave for just a second then come back in. Then leave for like 30 seconds then come back. Etc. You're trying to teach him that you DO come back and that it's not a big deal if/when you leave.
What you do is leave something entertaining like a kong with treats in it or a really fun toy they like and walk away sooner or later they'll forget you were there.. Until you come back ;p