How do I get my mom to go on vacation with me, just us for bonding?


New member
Jan 30, 2011
I mean Im 12, and my moms like in her 40's . Disney Orlando Resorts might not be the best idea for us but we went when I was 5 (my entire family) and i sorta wanna bring back the memories. I want it to be just my mom and I. We live in New York, so i'm guessing air and hotel wont be TOO PRICY. Like I havent run the idea by her yet. She went on vacation (just her and my dad) in the beginning of December. I want the trip to be in like Spring Break. I thought about Disney, but other suggestions of where to travel would be good too. I really just need to know how to convince her to be up for the vacation. note; I havent gone on a vacation since May last year.
may last year? wow! be thankful!
i got my mom interested by looking at flights and finding them cheap. I would post hotels on her facebook wall or email them to her. get her excited to go... then she will have to because she would be letting her self down. make it look like you want to go!
good luck!
Just ask when can you go back and wait for her response. Money is tight everywhere so you may have to wait to go again.
It shouldn't be hard at all.. Just tell your mom you want to spend a bonding experience somewhere with JUST her. Ask her where she wants to go, and then maybe suggest a spa. Anything as long as your with her, and bonding :)