how do i fix this dent in my car? (PICTURE INCLUDED)?


New member
Sep 28, 2011
it happened when some idiot ran into me in the parking lot. so how do i go about fixing this. i know it wont be perfect but i dont want to spend any money. I can get my hand almost behind the part of the dent in the front by the tire by opening the door, but how do i go about poping it out. and about the dent on the door itself...well i have no idea how to fix if you know how or have any ideas just tell me!

get a towel and a rubber mallet. put the towel on the car amd hit it with the rubber mallet. that is how i have got dents out before.
That is a huge deal! I have a YOUTUBE video if you plan to invest in a paint-less dent removal tool. There are tons of video on YOUTUBE that shows dent removal.
I cannot access the photo. You can try to raise the dent by using a "plumbers friend". It is a simple pllunger used to unclog drains. Place the rubber part over the dent, push in the stick, and yank hard. Good luck.