How do I deal with this?

i'd say get over it but its different because he was your best friend since pre k or w.e
so grieve but not for a long time because that will cause depression the the same fait would happen to you
my advice get a dog and love him
He is right though. It's pretty rude to talk shit about someone dead or someone that just lost someone.
Your never gonna be able to forget it.
You just have to learn to live with it.

thats really all you can do
I'm sure he would've put it in OSST. In times like this people just want to vent and ST is a big enough place for enough people to hear it.

And yea I take a moral high ground when stupid remarks are made over something serious.
what kind of pills were they??

either way, u just gotta move on after a while.. stay close to your wife, help her - these things can fuck a relationship if not handled correctly
Killing your self is the most selfish thing you could every possibly do. Forget it just move on.
Everyone grieves differently. Keep him in your heart but don't waste your life sobbing over his death.
hey dude, dont listen to any of the asses on here. I feel really bad for ya man. I've never lost someone in my life and I'm really scared for the day. If you can't stop thinking about it I would go to a doctor so you don't get depressed. Sorry for your loss.
Just like the dude two post above me said I really do feel sorry about you loss and your wifes and I too haven't lost anyone close to me.But ya dude your gonna have to pretty much just forget and move on. Not much you can really do. Well I hope the best of luck to the both of you and everything.
your going to have to accept that he is in a better place now and is being treated way way better than he was being treated down here. He obviously wasn't doing to well here and we can trust that he is doing better somewhere else.

I know what you're going through at the moment seeing as i went to a funeral just last week for a family friend.

you have to accept that they are in better hands and that they will be there to great you when you arrive in the same place.
One of my friends passed away by suicide a week ago, its hard man but its good to at least keep in mind hes in a better place, im not even religious and i kept it in mind and it helped me.