How do I convince my parents to let me travel alone?


Jun 1, 2008
So I'm 16, and I'm not even going that far. Like 250 miles away, for a good reason too. I live in a small town on the California coast, and I want to go take a tour of CSU Fresno next weekend.I have my license and i'm a good driver and all, but my parents won't let me drive all the way over there. (the gas for the trip is too expensive anyways) so all I gotta do is hop on the train and transfer to a bus, and i'll only be gone for a day, i'd get there at around 8am and return home at about 9 or 10pm the same day. I can handle myself, only thing is that my parents don't think so, well mainly my mom. I want to start taking tours of a few colleges here in Cali, starting with Fresno.

But my mom says I can't go, and the only way that I can is if I go with her and my dad. The thing is, that my dad's a trucker and is almost never home, and when he is, it's almost always during the weekdays, so i can't miss a day of school. My dad is ok with me going, so long as my mom is too. So any ideas on how I can convince them to let me go alone if it's only one day?
Oh! thanks in advance for the help! :)
My mother won't go unless my father goes. And she won't let me go alone cause she thinks something will happen to me or i'll run off to go do drugs instead -_- (yeah, my parents are weird o_O )